


  1. of, relating to, or uttered with the voice: the vocal mechanism; vocal criticism.
  2. rendered by or intended for singing: vocal music.
  3. having a voice: A dog is a vocal, but not a verbal, being.
  4. giving forth sound with or as with a voice.
  5. inclined to express oneself in words, especially copiously or insistently: a vocal advocate of reform.
  6. Phonetics.
    1. vocalic(def 1).
    2. voiced.


  1. a vocal sound.
  2. a musical piece for a singer, usually with instrumental accompaniment.Compare instrumental(def 6).


  1. of, relating to, or designed for the voicevocal music
  2. produced or delivered by the voicevocal noises
  3. connected with an attribute or the production of the voicevocal organs
  4. frequently disposed to outspoken speech, criticism, etca vocal minority
  5. full of sound or voicesa vocal assembly
  6. endowed with a voice
  7. eloquent or meaningful
  8. phonetics
    1. of or relating to a speech sound
    2. of or relating to a voiced speech sound, esp a vowel


  1. a piece of jazz or pop music that is sung
  2. a performance of such a piece of music

late 14c., “spoken, oral,” from Old French vocal, from Latin vocalis “sounding, sonorous, speaking,” as a noun, “a vowel,” from vox (genitive vocis) “voice” (see voice (n.)). In reference to music (as opposed to instrumental), first recorded 1580s; meaning “outspoken” first attested 1871. Vocal cords is from 1872; see cord.


  1. Of or relating to the voice.
  2. Capable of emitting sound or speech.
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