wimmin [wim-in] ExamplesWord Origin plural noun Eye Dialect.
- women (sometimes also used as a feminist spelling to avoid the sequence m-e-n).
Origin of wimmin First recorded in 1910–15 Examples from the Web for wimmin Historical Examples of wimmin
I dunno as wimmin horse doctors is very common, but I dunno why not.
B. M. Bower
He’s the kind o’ doctor that uses his title to give him privileges with the wimmin.
J. Allan Dunn
(to audience, pointing to Billy disgustedly) He’s got wimmin’s stockings on.
Horace C. Dale
The wimmin I know are easy an free, an just a little bit gay.
Droll Stories of Isthmian Life
Evelyn Saxton
They beleaf in a hereafter, but it iz genrally a hereafter of wimmin.
Henry Wheeler Shaw