

Wotan [vaw-tahn, voh-] Examples

  1. a Germanic god corresponding to the Scandinavian Odin.

Examples from the Web for wotan Historical Examples of wotan

  • As Wotan opened his eyes he saw the castle upon the summit of the mountain.

    Opera Stories from Wagner

    Florence Akin

  • Wotan did not stop to think what an awful thing it would be to lose Freya.

    Opera Stories from Wagner

    Florence Akin

  • Just then Wotan saw his brother, Loki, coming over the mountain.

    Opera Stories from Wagner

    Florence Akin

  • But one day there came to the mountainside the largest giant Wotan had ever seen.

    Opera Stories from Wagner

    Florence Akin

  • Wotan calmly answered: “You may go when you have promised all I ask.”

    Opera Stories from Wagner

    Florence Akin

  • British Dictionary definitions for wotan Wotan noun

    1. the supreme god in Germanic mythologyNorse counterpart: Odin
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