

wrathful [rath-fuhl, rahth- or, esp. British, rawth-] SynonymsExamplesWord Origin adjective

  1. very angry; ireful; full of wrath: They trembled before the wrathful queen.
  2. characterized by or showing wrath: wrathful words.

Origin of wrathful Middle English word dating back to 1250–1300; see origin at wrath, -ful Related formswrath·ful·ly, adverbwrath·ful·ness, nounun·wrath·ful, adjectiveun·wrath·ful·ly, adverbun·wrath·ful·ness, nounSynonyms for wrathful 1. irate, furious, raging, incensed, enraged. Examples from the Web for wrathfully Historical Examples of wrathfully

  • Why couldn’t they leave a fellow alone, I said wrathfully to myself.

    The Harbor

    Ernest Poole

  • The doctor straightened up and Roberto scowled at him wrathfully.

    Ruth Fielding and the Gypsies

    Alice B. Emerson

  • “Will you make my niece a prisoner,” he cried, wrathfully, for Dick had told him the story.

    The Boy Land Boomer

    Ralph Bonehill

  • “You are seeking perdition,” exclaimed the priest, wrathfully.

    Rabbi and Priest

    Milton Goldsmith

  • “I’d like to give him a lickin’,” said Jonathan, wrathfully, as they left the store.

    The Telegraph Boy

    Horatio Alger, Jr.

  • British Dictionary definitions for wrathfully wrathful adjective

    1. full of wrath; raging or furious
    2. resulting from or expressing wrath

    Also (informal): wrathy Derived Formswrathfully, adverbwrathfulness, noun Word Origin and History for wrathfully wrathful adj.

    c.1300, from wrath + -ful. Related: Wrathfully.

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