zinc chloride

zinc chloride

noun Chemistry.

  1. a white, crystalline, deliquescent, water-soluble, poisonous solid, ZnCl2, used chiefly as a wood preservative, as a disinfectant and antiseptic, and in the manufacture of vulcanized fiber, parchment paper, and soldering fluxes.


  1. a white odourless soluble poisonous granular solid used in manufacturing parchment paper and vulcanized fibre and in preserving wood. It is also a soldering flux, embalming agent, and a medical astringent and antiseptic. Formula: ZnCl 2Also called: butter of zinc

  1. A white, water-soluble crystalline compound used as a wood preservative, as a soldering flux, and for a variety of industrial purposes, including the manufacture of cements and paper parchment. Chemical formula: ZnCl2.
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