


  1. the act of engaging or the state of being engaged.
  2. an appointment or arrangement: a business engagement.
  3. betrothal: They announced their engagement.
  4. a pledge; an obligation or agreement: All his time seems to be taken up with social engagements.
  5. employment, or a period or post of employment, especially in the performing arts: Her engagement at the nightclub will last five weeks.
  6. an encounter, conflict, or battle: We have had two very costly engagements with the enemy this week alone.
  7. Mechanics. the act or state of interlocking.
  8. engagements, Commerce. financial obligations.


  1. a pledge of marriage; betrothal
  2. an appointment or arrangement, esp for business or social purposes
  3. the act of engaging or condition of being engaged
  4. a promise, obligation, or other condition that binds
  5. a period of employment, esp a limited period
  6. an action; battle
  7. (plural) financial obligations

n.c.1600, “formal promise,” from engage + -ment. Meaning “battle, fight” is from 1660s; promise-of-marriage sense is from 1742; meaning “appointment” is from 1806. n.

  1. The entrance of the fetal head or presenting part into the upper opening of the maternal pelvis.
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