

homeo- Word Origin

  1. a combining form meaning “similar,” used in the formation of compound words: homeostatic.

Also homoeo-, homoio-. Origin of homeo- Greek homoio-, combining form of hómoios similar, like British Dictionary definitions for homeo- homeo- homoeo- or homoio- combining form

  1. like or similarhomeomorphism

Word Origin for homeo- from Latin homoeo-, from Greek homoio-, from homos same Word Origin and History for homeo-

word-forming element meaning “similar to,” Latinized from Greek homio-, from homoios “like, resembling, of the same kind,” related to or an expanded form of homos “one and the same,” from PIE *sem- “one, as one” (see same).

homeo- in Medicine homeo- pref.

  1. Like; similar:homeostasis.
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