

  1. the monetary payment received for goods or services, or from other sources, as rents or investments.
  2. something that comes in as an addition or increase, especially by chance.
  3. Archaic. a coming in.


  1. the amount of monetary or other returns, either earned or unearned, accruing over a given period of time
  2. receipts; revenue
  3. rare an inflow or influx

c.1300, “entrance, arrival,” literally “what enters,” perhaps a noun use of the late Old English verb incuman “come in,” from in (adv.) + cuman “to come” (see come). Meaning “money made through business or labor” (i.e., “that which ‘comes in’ as a product of work or business”) first recorded c.1600. Income tax is from 1799, first introduced in Britain as a war tax, re-introduced 1842; authorized on a national level in U.S. in 1913.

The amount of money received during a period of time in exchange for labor or services, from the sale of goods or property, or as a profit from financial investments.

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