

  1. having the left hand more dominant or effective than the right; preferably using the left hand: a left-handed pitcher.
  2. adapted to or performed by the left hand: a left-handed tool; a left-handed tennis serve.
  3. situated on the side of the left hand.
  4. Machinery.
    1. rotating counterclockwise.
    2. noting a helical or spiral member, as a gear tooth or screw thread, that twists counterclockwise as it recedes from an observer.
  5. Building Trades. left-hand(def 3).
  6. ambiguous or doubtful and often unfavorable or derogatory by implication: a left-handed compliment.
  7. clumsy or awkward.
  8. of, relating to, or issuing from a morganatic marriage: so called from the custom, in morganatic marriage ceremonies, of having the bridegroom give his left hand to the bride.


  1. with the left hand: He writes left-handed.
  2. toward the left hand; in a counterclockwise direction: The strands of the rope are laid left-handed.


  1. using the left hand with greater ease than the right
  2. performed with the left hand
  3. designed or adapted for use by the left hand
  4. worn on the left hand
  5. awkward or clumsy
  6. ironically ambiguousa left-handed compliment
  7. turning from right to left; anticlockwise
  8. law another term for morganatic


  1. with the left hand

adj.late 14c., of persons; 1650s of tools, etc., from left (adj.) + handed. In 15c. it also could mean “maimed.” Sense of “underhanded” is from early 17c., as in left-handed compliment (1787, also attested 1855 in pugilism slang for “a punch with the left fist”), as is that of “illicit” (e.g. left-handed marriage). Related: Left-handedly; left-handedness. adj.

  1. Using the left hand more skillfully or easily than the right.
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