

  1. any segmented worm of the phylum Annelida, including the earthworms, leeches, and various marine forms.


  1. belonging or pertaining to the Annelida.


  1. any worms of the phylum Annelida, in which the body is divided into segments both externally and internally. The group includes the earthworms, lugworm, ragworm, and leeches


  1. of, relating to, or belonging to the Annelida

“segmented worm,” 1834, from French annélide, source of the phylum name Annelida, coined in Modern Latin 1801 by French naturalist J.B.P. Lamarck (1744-1829), from annelés “ringed ones” (from Latin anulus “little ring,” a diminutive of anus; see anus) + Greek eidos “form, shape” (see -oid).

  1. Any of various worms or wormlike animals of the phylum Annelida, characterized by an elongated, cylindrical body divided into ringlike segments. Most annelids have movable bristles called setae, and include earthworms, leeches, and polychetes (marine worms).
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