


  1. a person who attends another, as to perform a service.
  2. Chiefly British. an usher or clerk.
  3. a corollary or concomitant thing or quality.
  4. a person who is present, as at a meeting.


  1. being present or in attendance; accompanying.
  2. consequent; concomitant; associated; related: winter holidays and attendant parties; war and its attendant evils; poverty and its attendant hardships.


  1. a person who accompanies or waits upon another
  2. a person employed to assist, guide, or provide a service for others, esp for the general publica lavatory attendant
  3. a person who is present
  4. a logical consequence or natural accompanimenthatred is often an attendant of jealousy


  1. being in attendance
  2. associated; accompanying; relatedattendant problems

1550s, “one who waits upon,” from the adjective, or from Middle French atendant, noun use of present participle of atendre (see attend).


late 14c., “solicitous, attentive,” see attendant (n.). Sense of “serving under, accompanying in a dependant position” is from c.1400.

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