


  1. bast(def 2).


  1. Botany. phloem.
  2. Also called bast fiber. any of several strong, woody fibers, as flax, hemp, ramie, or jute, obtained from phloem tissue and used in the manufacture of woven goods and cordage.


  1. Also called: bass fibrous material obtained from the phloem of jute, hemp, flax, lime, etc, used for making rope, matting, etc
  2. botany another name for phloem

“inner bark of the linden tree,” Old English bæst, a general Germanic word (cf. Old Norse, Old Saxon, Middle Dutch, Old High German, German bast), of uncertain origin.

  1. Any of various durable fibers found in the phloem of certain eudicot plants, especially flax, hemp, and jute, used in making rope and baskets.
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