


  1. sewing with long, loose stitches to hold material in place until the final sewing.
  2. bastings, the stitches taken or the threads used.


  1. the act of moistening food while cooking, especially with stock or pan juices.
  2. the liquid used in basting.

verb (used with object), bast·ed, bast·ing.

  1. to sew with long, loose stitches, as in temporarily tacking together pieces of a garment while it is being made.

verb (used with object), bast·ed, bast·ing.

  1. to moisten (meat or other food) while cooking, with drippings, butter, etc.


  1. liquid used to moisten and flavor food during cooking: a baste of sherry and pan juices.

verb (used with object), bast·ed, bast·ing.

  1. to beat with a stick; thrash; cudgel.
  2. to denounce or scold vigorously: an editorial basting the candidate for irresponsible statements.


  1. loose temporary stitches; tacking
  2. sewing with such stitches


  1. (tr) to sew with loose temporary stitches


  1. to moisten (meat) during cooking with hot fat and the juices produced


  1. (tr) to beat thoroughly; thrash

“beat, thrash,” 1530s, perhaps from the cookery sense of baste (v.2) or from some Scandinavian source (e.g. Swedish basa “to beat, flog,” bösta “to thump”) akin to Old Norse beysta “to beat,” and related to Old English beatan (see beat (v.)).


“sew together loosely,” c.1400, from Old French bastir “build, construct, sew up (a garment), baste, make, prepare, arrange” (12c., Modern French bâtir “to build”), probably from a Germanic source, from Proto-Germanic *bastjan “join together with bast” (cf. Old High German besten; see bast).


“to soak in gravy, moisten,” late 14c., of unknown origin, possibly from Old French basser “to moisten, soak,” from bassin “basin” (see basin). Related: Basted; basting.

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