

< /sɪˈʒʊər i, -ˈzʊər i, sɪzˈyʊər i/.

  1. Prosody. a break, especially a sense pause, usually near the middle of a verse, and marked in scansion by a double vertical line, as in know then thyself ‖ presume not God to scan.
  2. Classical Prosody. a division made by the ending of a word within a foot, or sometimes at the end of a foot, especially in certain recognized places near the middle of a verse.
  3. any break, pause, or interruption.

noun plural -ras or -rae (-riː)

  1. (in modern prosody) a pause, esp for sense, usually near the middle of a verse lineUsual symbol: ||
  2. (in classical prosody) a break between words within a metrical foot, usually in the third or fourth foot of the line

1550s, from Latin caesura, “metrical pause,” literally “a cutting,” from past participle stem of caedere “to cut down” (see -cide).

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