- Ru·dolf Jul·ius E·man·u·el [roo-dolf jool-yuh s i-man-yoo-uh l; German roo-dawlf yoo-lee-oo s ey-mah-noo-el] /ˈru dɒlf ˈdʒul yəs ɪˈmæn yu əl; German ˈru dɔlf ˈyu liˌʊs eɪˈmɑ nuˌɛl/, 1822–88, German mathematical physicist: pioneer in the field of thermodynamics.
- Rudolf Julius (ˈruːdɔlf ˈjuːliʊs). 1822–88, German physicist and mathematician. He enunciated the second law of thermodynamics (1850) and developed the kinetic theory of gases