

noun (used with a plural verb) Islam.

  1. religion, especially the religious observances of a Muslim.


  1. a formerly used logarithmic expression of the speed of a photographic film, plate, etc, given as –10log 10 E, where E is the exposure of a point 0.1 density units above the fog level; high-speed films have high numbersCompare ISO rating
  2. a system of standard plugs, sockets, and cables formerly used for interconnecting domestic audio and video equipment


  1. a loud discordant confused noise

verb dins, dinning or dinned

  1. (tr usually foll by into) to instil (into a person) by constant repetition
  2. (tr) to subject to a din
  3. (intr) to make a din

noun Judaism

  1. a particular religious law; the halacha about something
  2. the ruling of a Beth Din or religious court


  1. Islam religion in general, esp the beliefs and obligations of Islam

Old English dyne (n.), dynian (v.), from Proto-Germanic *duniz (cf. Old Norse dynr, Danish don, Middle Low German don “noise”), from PIE root *dwen- “to make noise” (cf. Sanskrit dhuni “roaring, a torrent”).

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