
verb (used with object), de·vot·ed, de·vot·ing.

  1. to give up or appropriate to or concentrate on a particular pursuit, occupation, purpose, cause, etc.: to devote one’s time to reading.
  2. to appropriate by or as if by a vow; set apart or dedicate by a solemn or formal act; consecrate: She devoted her life to God.
  3. to commit to evil or destruction; doom.

verb (tr)

  1. to apply or dedicate (oneself, time, money, etc) to some pursuit, cause, etc
  2. obsolete to curse or doom

1580s, from Latin devotus, past participle of devovere (see devotion). Second and third meanings in Johnson’s Dictionary (1755) are “to addict, to give up to ill” and “to curse, to execrate; to doom to destruction.” Related: Devoted; devoting.

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