

  1. depressed or discouraged by the failure of one’s hopes or expectations: a disappointed suitor.
  2. Obsolete. inadequately appointed; ill-equipped.

verb (used with object)

  1. to fail to fulfill the expectations or wishes of: His gross ingratitude disappointed us.
  2. to defeat the fulfillment of (hopes, plans, etc.); thwart; frustrate: to be disappointed in love.

verb (used without object)

  1. to bring or cause disappointment.


  1. saddened by the failure of an expectation, etc

verb (tr)

  1. to fail to meet the expectations, hopes, desires, or standards of; let down
  2. to prevent the fulfilment of (a plan, intention, etc); frustrate; thwart

1550s, past participle adjective from disappoint. Related: Disappointedly.


early 15c., “dispossess of appointed office,” from Middle French desappointer (14c.) “undo the appointment, remove from office,” from des- (see dis-) + appointer “appoint” (see appoint).

Modern sense of “to frustrate expectations” (late 15c.) is from secondary meaning of “fail to keep an appointment.” Related: Disappointed; disappointing.

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