


  1. a hardy plant, Allium sativum, of the amaryllis family whose strongly, pungent bulb is used in cookery and medicine.
  2. any of various other plants of the genus Allium.
  3. the bulb of such a plant, consisting of smaller bulbs, or cloves, used in cooking, sometimes in the form of a powder or flakes.
  4. the flavor or smell of this bulb.


  1. cooked, flavored, or seasoned with garlic: garlic bread; garlic salt.
  2. of or relating to garlic.


  1. a hardy widely cultivated Asian alliaceous plant, Allium sativum, having a stem bearing whitish flowers and bulbils
    1. the bulb of this plant, made up of small segments (cloves) that have a strong odour and pungent taste and are used in cooking
    2. (as modifier)a garlic taste
  2. any of various other plants of the genus Allium

Old English garleac (Mercian), garlec (W. Saxon) “garlic,” from gar “spear” (in reference to the clove), see gar + leac “leek” (see leek).

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