
noun, plural gen·e·ses [jen-uh-seez] /ˈdʒɛn əˌsiz/.

  1. an origin, creation, or beginning.


  1. the first book of the Bible, dealing with the Creation and the Patriarchs. Abbreviation: Gen.

  1. a combining form of genesis: parthenogenesis.

noun plural -ses (-ˌsiːz)

  1. a beginning or origin of anything


  1. the first book of the Old Testament recounting the events from the Creation of the world to the sojourning of the Israelites in Egypt

n combining form

  1. indicating genesis, development, or generationbiogenesis; parthenogenesis

Old English Genesis, first book of the Pentateuch, from Latin genesis, adopted as title of first book of Old Testament in Vulgate, from Greek genesis “origin, creation, generation,” from gignesthai “to be born,” related to genos “race, birth, descent” (see genus). As such, it translated Hebrew bereshith, literally “in the beginning,” which was the first word of the text, taken as its title. Extended sense of “origin, creation” first recorded in English c.1600.

n. pl. gen•e•ses (-sēz′)

  1. The coming into being of something; the origin.


  1. Origin; production:biogenesis.

The first book of the Old Testament; its first words are “In the beginning” (genesis is a Greek word for “beginning”). It covers the time from the beginning of the world through the days of the patriarchs, including the stories of the Creation, Adam and Eve, the Fall of Man, Cain and Abel, Noah and the Flood, God’s covenant with Abraham, Abraham and Isaac, Jacob and Esau, and Joseph and his brothers.

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