george town


  1. Also George Town. a seaport in and the capital of the state of Penang, in NW Malaysia.
  2. a seaport in and the capital of Guyana, at the mouth of the Demerara.
  3. a residential section in the District of Columbia.
  4. a town in N Kentucky.
  5. a city in E South Carolina.
  6. a town in and the capital of the Cayman Islands, West Indies, on Grand Cayman.


  1. Also called: Penang a port in NW Malaysia, capital of Penang state, in NE Penang Island: the first chartered city of the Malayan federation. Pop: 162 000 (2005 est)
  2. the capital of the Cayman Islands: a port on Grand Cayman Island. Pop: 30 600 (2004 est)


  1. the capital and chief port of Guyana, at the mouth of the Demerara River: became capital of the Dutch colonies of Essequibo and Demerara in 1784; seat of the University of Guyana. Pop: 237 000 (2005 est)Former name (until 1812): Stabroek
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