

  1. moving or going about clumsily or hesitantly; stumbling.
  2. showing or reflecting a desire to understand, especially something that proves puzzling: a groping scrutiny; a groping expression.

verb (used without object), groped, grop·ing.

  1. to feel about with the hands; feel one’s way: I had to grope around in the darkness before I found the light switch.
  2. to search blindly or uncertainly: He seemed to be groping for an answer to the question.

verb (used with object), groped, grop·ing.

  1. to seek by or as if by groping: to grope one’s way up the dark stairs.
  2. to touch or handle (someone) for sexual pleasure.


  1. an act or instance of groping.
  2. Slang. an act or instance of sexually fondling another person.


  1. (intr usually foll by for) to feel or search about uncertainly (for something) with the hands
  2. (intr; usually foll by for or after) to search uncertainly or with difficulty (for a solution, answer, etc)
  3. (tr) to find or make (one’s way) by groping
  4. (tr) slang to feel or fondle the body of (someone) for sexual gratification


  1. the act of groping

Old English grapian “to feel about (as one blind or in darkness),” originally “lay hold of, seize, touch, attain,” related to gripan “grasp at” (see gripe). Figurative sense is from early 14c. Indecent sense (marked as “obsolete” in OED) is from c.1200. Related: Groped; groping. The noun is Old English grap.

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