

  1. (used as a mild expression of annoyance, rejection, disgust, etc.): What the heck do you care?


  1. something remarkable of its kind (usually used in the phrase heck of a): That was a heck of an impressive speech. Have one heck of a good time.
  1. as heck (used as a mild intensifier): I say he’s guilty as heck.


  1. a comblike attachment on a loom, for guiding the warp threads as they are dressed for the warp beam.
  2. a device that guides yarn onto the bobbin of a spinning wheel.
  3. a gridlike arrangement of glass or metal rods below the hooks on a Jacquard loom, used for lifting all harness eyes equally or evenly.


  1. a mild exclamation of surprise, irritation, etc


  1. Northern English dialect a frame for obstructing the passage of fish in a river

euphemistic alteration of hell, first recorded 1865.

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