

  1. (often initial capital letter) half of the terrestrial globe or celestial sphere, especially one of the halves into which the earth is divided.Compare Eastern Hemisphere, Western Hemisphere, Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere.
  2. a map or projection representing one of these halves.
  3. a half of a sphere.
  4. Anatomy. either of the lateral halves of the cerebrum or cerebellum.
  5. the area within which something occurs or dominates; sphere; realm.


  1. one half of a sphere
    1. half of the terrestrial globe, divided into northern and southern hemispheres by the equator or into eastern and western hemispheres by some meridians, usually 0° and 180°
    2. a map or projection of one of the hemispheres
  2. either of the two halves of the celestial sphere that lie north or south of the celestial equator
  3. anatomy short for cerebral hemisphere

late 14c., hemysperie, in reference to the celestial sphere, from Latin hemisphaerium, from Greek hemisphairion, from hemi- “half” (see hemi-) + sphaira “sphere” (see sphere). Spelling reformed 16c. Of the Earth, from 1550s; of the brain, 1804.


  1. A half of a symmetrical spherical structure as divided by a plane of symmetry.
  2. Either of the lateral halves of the cerebrum; a cerebral hemisphere.

  1. One half of a sphere, formed by a plane that passes through the center of the sphere.
  2. Either the northern or southern half of the Earth as divided by the equator, or the eastern or western half as divided by a meridian, especially the prime meridian.
  3. One half of the celestial sphere as divided by any of various great circles, especially the celestial equator and the ecliptic. See more at celestial sphere.
  4. See cerebral hemisphere.

Any half of the Earth‘s surface.

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