

homorganic [hoh-mawr-gan-ik, hom-awr-] Word Origin adjective Phonetics.

  1. (of two or more speech sounds) having the same place of articulation, as p, b, and m, which are all bilabial.

Origin of homorganic First recorded in 1850–55; hom(o)- + organic British Dictionary definitions for homorganic homorganic adjective

  1. phonetics (of a consonant) articulated at the same point in the vocal tract as a consonant in a different class. Thus (ŋ) is the homorganic nasal of k

homorganic in Medicine homorganic [hŏm′ôr-găn′ĭk, hō′môr-] adj.

  1. Produced by the same organ.
  2. Produced by homologous organs.
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