in the bud


  1. Botany.
    1. a small axillary or terminal protuberance on a plant, containing rudimentary foliage (leaf bud), the rudimentary inflorescence (flower bud), or both (mixed bud).
    2. an undeveloped or rudimentary stem or branch of a plant.
  2. Zoology. (in certain animals of low organization) a prominence that develops into a new individual, sometimes permanently attached to the parent and sometimes becoming detached; gemma.
  3. Mycology. a small, rounded outgrowth produced from a fungus spore or cell by a process of asexual reproduction, eventually separating from the parent cell as a new individual: commonly produced by yeast and a few other fungi.
  4. Anatomy. any small rounded part.
  5. an immature or undeveloped person or thing.
  6. Slang. marijuana, especially potent marijuana from the buds, or flowering tops, of the hemp plant.

verb (used without object), bud·ded, bud·ding.

  1. to put forth or produce buds.
  2. to begin to develop.
  3. to be in an early stage of development.

verb (used with object), bud·ded, bud·ding.

  1. to cause to bud.
  2. Horticulture. to graft by inserting a single bud into the stock.
  1. in the bud, in an immature or undeveloped state: a Shakespeare in the bud.Also in bud.
  2. nip in the bud, to stop (something) in the beginning of its development: The rebellion was nipped in the bud.


  1. a swelling on a plant stem consisting of overlapping immature leaves or petals
    1. a partially opened flower
    2. (in combination)rosebud
  2. any small budlike outgrowthtaste buds
  3. something small or immature
  4. an asexually produced outgrowth in simple organisms, such as yeasts, and the hydra that develops into a new individual
  5. a slang word for marijuana
  6. in bud at the stage of producing buds
  7. nip in the bud to put an end to (an idea, movement, etc) in its initial stages

verb buds, budding or budded

  1. (intr) (of plants and some animals) to produce buds
  2. (intr) to begin to develop or grow
  3. (tr) horticulture to graft (a bud) from one plant onto another, usually by insertion under the bark


  1. informal, mainly US short for buddy

late 14c., budde, origin unknown, perhaps from Old French boter “push forward, thrust,” itself a Germanic word (cf. Dutch bot “bud,” Old Saxon budil “bag, purse,” German Beutel), or perhaps from Old English budd “beetle.”


c.1400; see bud (n.). Related: Budded; budding.


  1. A small, rounded anatomical structure or organic part, such as a taste bud.
  2. An asexual reproductive structure, as in yeast or a hydra, that consists of an outgrowth capable of developing into a new individual.


  1. To put forth or cause to put forth buds.
  2. To reproduce asexually by forming a bud.


  1. A small swelling on a branch or stem, containing an undeveloped shoot, leaf, or flower. Some species have mixed buds containing two of these structures, or even all three.♦ Terminal buds occur at the end of a stem, twig, or branch.♦ Axillary buds, also known as lateral buds, occur in the axils of leaves (in the upper angle of where the leaf grows from the stem).♦ Accessory buds often occur clustered around terminal buds or above and on either side of axillary buds. Accessory buds are usually smaller than terminal and axillary buds.
  2. A small rounded outgrowth on an asexually reproducing organism, such as a yeast or hydra, that is capable of developing into a new individual. See more at budding.
  3. A tiny part or structure, such as a taste bud, that is shaped like a plant bud.


  1. To form or produce a bud or buds.

see nip in the bud.

see nip in the bud.

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