

  1. Literary. India.
  2. Obsolete. the Indies.


  1. investigative new drug.

  1. independence.
  2. independent.
  3. index.
  4. indicated.
  5. indicative.
  6. indigo.
  7. indirect.
  8. industrial.
  9. industry.

  1. India.
  2. Indian(def 2).Also Ind
  3. Indiana.
  4. Indies.

  1. variant of indo- before a vowel: indamine.

  1. in the name of God.


  1. a poetic name for India
  2. an obsolete name for the Indies

abbreviation for

  1. Also: IDN in nomine Dei
  2. India (international car registration)

abbreviation for

  1. Independent
  2. India
  3. Indian
  4. Indiana
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