
verb (used with object), in·sem·i·nat·ed, in·sem·i·nat·ing.

  1. to inject semen into (the female reproductive tract); impregnate.
  2. to sow; implant seed into.
  3. to sow as seed in something; implant: to inseminate youth with new ideas.

verb (tr)

  1. to impregnate (a female) with semen
  2. to introduce (ideas or attitudes) into the mind of (a person or group)

1650s, “action of sowing,” noun of action from inseminate. Meaning “infusion of semen” is from 1860.


1620s, “to cast as seed,” from Latin inseminatus, past participle of inseminare “to sow, implant,” from in- “in” (see in- (2)) + semen (genitive semenis) “seed.” Meaning “to impregnate with semen” is attested from 1923. Related: Inseminated; inseminating.


  1. To introduce or inject semen into the reproductive tract of a female.

  1. The introduction of semen into the reproductive tract of a female either through sexual intercourse or through use of an instrument such as a syringe in the process known as artificial insemination.
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