

noun, plural Kech·uas, (especially collectively) Kech·ua.

  1. Quechua.

noun, plural Quech·uas, (especially collectively) Quech·ua for 2.

  1. the language of the Inca civilization, presently spoken by about 7 million people in Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina.
  2. a member of an Indian people of Peru speaking Quechua.


  1. a variant of Quechua


  1. plural -uas or -ua a member of any of a group of South American Indian peoples of the Andes, including the Incas
  2. the language or family of languages spoken by these peoples, possibly distantly related to the Tupï-Guarani family

Indian people of Peru and surrounding regions, 1811, from Spanish, from Quechua kechua “plunderer, destroyer.” Also the name of their language. Related: Quechuan.

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