
noun, plural left·ies. Informal.

  1. a left-handed person.
  2. a leftist.


  1. left-handed.
  2. leftist; left-wing.


  1. with the left hand; in a left-handed manner: He bats lefty.


  1. Sir George,1820–1900, English musicologist.
  2. Robert MosesLefty, 1900–75, U.S. baseball player.


  1. Stephen NormanSteveLefty, born 1944, U.S. baseball player.
  2. a male given name.

noun plural lefties informal

  1. a left-winger
  2. mainly US and Canadian a left-handed person


  1. a town in N central England, in S Nottinghamshire. Pop: 48 493 (2001)


  1. a small wooded area or plantation
    1. a road lined with houses and often trees, esp in a suburban area
    2. (capital as part of a street name)Ladbroke Grove

n.“left-handed person,” 1886, American English, baseball slang, from left + -y (3). Political sense by 1935. n.Old English graf “grove, copse” (akin to græafa “thicket”), from Proto-Germanic *graibo-, but not certainly found in other Germanic languages and with no known cognates anywhere else.

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