

manada [muh-nah-duh] ExamplesWord Origin noun Southwestern U.S.

  1. a herd of horses.

Origin of manada 1835–45; American Spanish, Spanish: herd, flock, crowd, perhaps to be identified with Old Spanish manada handful, derivative of mano hand Latin manus Examples from the Web for manada Historical Examples of manada

  • There were twelve hundred head of cattle, and a “manada” of mares and colts, beside something over thirteen thousand sheep.

    Blanco y Colorado

    William C. Tetley

  • A manada of about ten thousand head was two leagues off on the plain, quietly grazing in the company of a few elks and buffaloes.

    The Trail-Hunter

    Gustave Aimard

  • In the meanwhile a tremendous struggle was going on in the ravine between the hunters and the rest of the manada.

    The Trail-Hunter

    Gustave Aimard

  • All at once a terrible crash was heard, and the vanguard of the manada appeared on the skirt of the forest.

    The Border Rifles

    Gustave Aimard

  • Manada is the name given in the old Spanish possessions to an assemblage of several thousand wild animals.

    The Border Rifles

    Gustave Aimard

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