

mannerism [man-uh-riz-uh m] ExamplesWord Origin noun

  1. a habitual or characteristic manner, mode, or way of doing something; distinctive quality or style, as in behavior or speech: He has an annoying mannerism of tapping his fingers while he talks. They copied his literary mannerisms but always lacked his ebullience.
  2. marked or excessive adherence to an unusual or a particular manner, especially if affected: Natural courtesy is a world apart from snobbish mannerism.
  3. (usually initial capital letter) a style in the fine arts developed principally in Europe during the 16th century, chiefly characterized by a complex perspectival system, elongation of forms, strained gestures or poses of figures, and intense, often strident color.

Origin of mannerism First recorded in 1795–1805; manner1 + -ism Related formsman·ner·ist, nounman·ner·is·tic, adjectiveman·ner·is·ti·cal·ly, adverbnon·man·ner·is·tic, adjectivesem·i·man·ner·is·tic, adjective Examples from the Web for mannerist Contemporary Examples of mannerist

  • It’s not just about the wild serpentine forms that Schiavone borrowed from Mannerist painters based further south.

    The Unknown Masterpiece

    Blake Gopnik

    November 25, 2013

  • Historical Examples of mannerist

  • Shakspere a mannerist in style, andShakspeare is a mannerist in style.

    A Letter on Shakspere’s Authorship of The Two Noble Kinsmen

    William Spalding

  • Inasmuch as Cruikshank was a mannerist, he is inimitable except by them who take great pains to vex the critical of mankind.

    George Cruikshank

    W. H. Chesson

  • As he grew older his style fell somewhat into that of a mannerist, which at that period, as we shall see, much prevailed.

    The History of Painting in Italy, Vol. 3 (of 6)

    Luigi Antonio Lanzi

  • No mannerist is he; he has no discoverable egotism—the great he tells greatly, the small subordinately.

    The World’s Greatest Books — Vol XX — Miscellaneous Literature and Index


  • As an historical painter Grard was an imitator of the mannerist Girodet.

    The History of Modern Painting, Volume 1 (of 4)

    Richard Muther

  • British Dictionary definitions for mannerist mannerism noun

    1. a distinctive and individual gesture or trait; idiosyncrasy
    2. (often capital) a principally Italian movement in art and architecture between the High Renaissance and Baroque periods (1520–1600) that sought to represent an ideal of beauty rather than natural images of it, using characteristic distortion and exaggeration of human proportions, perspective, etc
    3. adherence to a distinctive or affected manner, esp in art or literature

    Derived Formsmannerist, nounmanneristic or manneristical, adjectivemanneristically, adverb Word Origin and History for mannerist n.

    1690s in the artistic sense; see mannerism + -ist.

    mannerism n.

    “excessive use of distinctive methods in art or literature,” 1803, from manner + -ism. Meaning “an instance of mannerism, habitual peculiarity” is from 1819. Related: Mannerisms.

    mannerist in Medicine mannerism [măn′ə-rĭz′əm] n.

    1. A distinctive behavioral trait; an idiosyncrasy.
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