

noun, plural mé·tis [mey-tees, –teez] /meɪˈtis, -ˈtiz/.

  1. any person of mixed ancestry.
  2. (initial capital letter) Canadian. the offspring of an American Indian and a white person, especially one of French ancestry.

noun Classical Mythology.

  1. a Titaness, the daughter of Oceanus and Tethys and the mother of Athena by Zeus. Zeus swallowed Metis, and Athena was born from his head.

noun plural -tis (-ˈtiːs, -ˈtiːz)

  1. a person of mixed parentage
  2. Canadian
    1. the offspring or a descendant of a French Canadian and a North American Indian
    2. a member or descendant of a group of such people, who established themselves in Manitoba and Saskatchewan as a distinct political and cultural force during the nineteenth century
  3. US a person having one eighth Black ancestry; octoroon

first wife of Zeus, from Greek Metis, literally “advice, wisdom, counsel; cunning, skill, craft,” from PIE root *me- “to measure” (see meter (n.2)). n.“person of mixed parentage,” especially French Canadian and North American Indian, from French métis, from Late Latin mixticus “of mixed race,” from Latin mixtus “mixed,” past participle of miscere “to mix, mingle” (see mix (v.)). Cf. mestizo.

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