

verb (used with object)

  1. to believe to be guilty, false, counterfeit, undesirable, defective, bad, etc., with little or no proof: to suspect a person of murder.
  2. to doubt or mistrust: I suspect his motives.
  3. to believe to be the case or to be likely or probable; surmise: I suspect his knowledge did not amount to much.
  4. to have some hint or foreknowledge of: I think she suspected the surprise.

verb (used without object)

  1. to believe something, especially something evil or wrong, to be the case; have suspicion.


  1. a person who is suspected, especially one suspected of a crime, offense, or the like.


  1. suspected; open to or under suspicion.

verb (səˈspɛkt)

  1. (tr) to believe guilty of a specified offence without proof
  2. (tr) to think false, questionable, etcshe suspected his sincerity
  3. (tr; may take a clause as object) to surmise to be the case; think probableto suspect fraud
  4. (intr) to have suspicion

noun (ˈsʌspɛkt)

  1. a person who is under suspicion

adjective (ˈsʌspɛkt)

  1. causing or open to suspicion

adj.mid-14c., from Old French suspect “suspicious,” from Latin suspectus “suspected, suspicious,” past participle of suspicere “look up at, mistrust, suspect,” from sub “up to” + specere “to look at” (see scope (n.1)). The notion is of “look at secretly,” hence, “look at distrustfully.” The verb is attested from late 15c.; the noun meaning “a suspected person” is first recorded 1590s. Related: Suspected; suspecting.

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