


  1. of or relating to the eye or sight.
  2. optical.


  1. the eye.
  2. a lens of an optical instrument.


  1. of or relating to the eye or vision
  2. a less common word for optical


  1. an informal word for eye 1


  1. British trademark a device attached to an inverted bottle for dispensing measured quantities of liquid, such as whisky, gin, etc

adj.early 15c., from Middle French optique, obtique (c.1300) and directly from Medieval Latin opticus “of sight or seeing,” from Greek optikos “of or having to do with sight,” from optos “seen, visible,” from op-, root of opsesthai “be going to see,” related to ops “eye,” from PIE *okw- “to see” (see eye (n.)). adj.

  1. Of or relating to the eye or vision.
  2. Of or relating to the science of optics or optical equipment.

  1. Relating to or involving the eye or vision.
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