


  1. Baseball.
    1. the part of the field beyond the diamond.
    2. the positions played by the right, center, and left fielders.
    3. the outfielders considered as a group (contrasted with infield).
  2. Cricket. the part of the field farthest from the batsman.
  3. Agriculture.
    1. the outlying land of a farm.
    2. land not regularly tilled but normally used for pasture.Compare infield(def 3).
  4. an outlying region.


  1. cricket the area of the field relatively far from the pitch; the deepCompare infield (def. 1)
  2. baseball
    1. the area of the playing field beyond the lines connecting first, second, and third bases
    2. the positions of the left fielder, centre fielder, and right fielder taken collectivelyCompare infield (def. 2)
  3. agriculture farmland most distant from the farmstead

n.1630s, “outlying land of a farm” (especially in Scotland), from out + field (n.); sporting sense is attested from 1851 in cricket, 1868 in baseball. Related: Outfielder.

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