


  1. that overpowers; overwhelming: an overpowering conviction of the truth.

verb (used with object)

  1. to overcome, master, or subdue by superior force: to overpower a maniac.
  2. to overcome or overwhelm in feeling; affect or impress excessively: overpowered with confusion and desire.
  3. to gain mastery over the bodily powers or mental faculties of: a strong drink that quickly overpowered him.
  4. to furnish or equip with excessive power: a giant motor that overpowered the pump.


  1. so strong or intense as to be unbearable
  2. so powerful as to crush or conquer

verb (tr)

  1. to conquer or subdue by superior force
  2. to have such a strong effect on as to make helpless or ineffective
  3. to supply with more power than necessary

v.“to overcome with superior power,” 1590s, from over- + power (v.). Related: Overpowered; overpowering.

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