

pentimento [pen-tuh-men-toh] ExamplesWord Origin noun, plural pen·ti·men·ti [pen-tuh-men-tee] /ˌpɛn təˈmɛn ti/. Painting.

  1. the presence or emergence of earlier images, forms, or strokes that have been changed and painted over.

Origin of pentimento 1900–05; Italian, equivalent to penti(re) to repent (Latin paenitēre to regret) + -mento -ment Examples from the Web for pentimento Historical Examples of pentimento

  • Another piece belonging to this period is the Pentimento amoroso by Luigi Groto, which was printed as early as 1575.

    Pastoral Poetry and Pastoral Drama

    Walter W. Greg

  • British Dictionary definitions for pentimento pentimento noun plural -ti (-tiː)

    1. the revealing of a painting or part of a painting that has been covered over by a later painting
    2. the part of a painting thus revealed

    Word Origin for pentimento C20: Italian, literally: correction

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