


  1. a paperboard sign or notice, as one posted in a public place or carried by a demonstrator or picketer.
  2. Armor. placate2.

verb (used with object)

  1. to display placards on or in: The square was placarded by peace marchers.
  2. to publicize, announce, or advertise by means of placards.
  3. to post as a placard.


  1. a printed or written notice for public display; poster
  2. a small plaque or card

verb (tr)

  1. to post placards on or in
  2. to publicize or advertise by placards
  3. to display as a placard

n.late 15c., “formal document authenticated by an affixed seal,” from Middle French placquard “official document with a large, flat seal,” also “plate of armor,” from Old French plaquier “to lay on, cover up, plaster over,” from Middle Dutch placken “to patch (a garment), to plaster,” related to Middle High German placke “patch, stain,” German Placken “spot, patch.” Meaning “poster” first recorded 1550s in English; this sense is in Middle French from 15c.

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