

quo [kwoh] Examples verb (used with object) Archaic.

  1. quoth.

in statu quo [in stah-too kwoh; English in stey-tyoo kwoh, stach-oo] adverb Latin.

  1. in the state in which (anything was or is).

locus in quo [loh-koo s in kwoh; English loh-kuh s in kwoh] noun Latin.

  1. the place in which; the very place; the scene of the event.

quid pro quo [kwid proh kwoh] noun, plural quid pro quos, quids pro quo.

  1. something that is given or taken in return for something else.

Origin of quid pro quo 1555–65; Latin quid prō quō literally, something for something; see what, pro1 quo animo? [kwoh ah-ni-moh; English kwoh an-uh-moh] Latin.

  1. with what spirit or intention?

quo jure? [kwoh yoo-re; English kwoh joo r-ee] Latin.

  1. by what right?

a quo [ah-kwoh; English ey-kwoh] Latin.

  1. from which; following from: used as a point of departure, as for an idea or plan.

terminus a quo [ter-mi-noo s ah kwoh; English tur-muh-nuh s ey kwoh] noun Latin.

  1. the end from which; beginning; starting point; earliest limiting point.

Examples from the Web for quo Contemporary Examples of quo

  • Q is for quo, status: “The status quo has got to go” (a sign at a Tea Party rally).

    My A-Z Guide to the Tea Party

    Tunku Varadarajan

    September 18, 2010

  • Historical Examples of quo

  • “Light’s heartsome,” quo’ the wife when she was stealing sheep.

    The Letters of Robert Burns

    Robert Burns

  • “That was in the Provost’s,” quo’ he, and he hummed a song I caught the meaning of but slightly.

    John Splendid

    Neil Munro

  • Consequently he chose the restaurant, and its name was Quo Vadis?

    Diversions in Sicily

    H. Festing Jones

  • “Every man to his ain trade,” quo’ the browster to the bishop.

    The Proverbs of Scotland

    Alexander Hislop

  • I’ll sell my lad, quo’ Livistone; I’ll buy’t, quo’ Balmaghie.

    The Proverbs of Scotland

    Alexander Hislop

  • British Dictionary definitions for quo quid pro quo noun plural quid pro quos

    1. a reciprocal exchange
    2. something given in compensation, esp an advantage or object given in exchange for another

    Word Origin for quid pro quo C16: from Latin: something for something terminus a quo noun

    1. the starting point; beginning

    Word Origin for terminus a quo literally: the end from which Word Origin and History for quo quid pro quo

    1560s, from Latin, literally “something for something, one thing for another,” from nominative and ablative neuter singulars of relative pronoun qui “who” (see who) + pro “for” (see pro-) + quo, ablative of quid.

    quo in Culture quid pro quo [(kwid proh kwoh)]

    A fair exchange; the phrase is most frequently used in diplomacy: “The Chinese may make some concessions on trade, but they will no doubt demand a quid pro quo, so we must be prepared to make concessions too.” From Latin, meaning “something for something.”

    Idioms and Phrases with quo quid pro quo

    An equal exchange or substitution, as in I think it should be quid pro quo—you mow the lawn and I’ll take you to the movies. This Latin expression, meaning “something for something,” has been used in English since the late 1500s.

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