


  1. a plural of radix.

noun, plural rad·i·ces [raduh-seez, rey-duh-] /ˈræd əˌsiz, ˈreɪ də-/, ra·dix·es.

  1. Mathematics. a number taken as the base of a system of numbers, logarithms, or the like.
  2. Anatomy, Botany. a root; radicle.


  1. a plural of radix

noun plural -dices (-dɪˌsiːz) or -dixes

  1. maths any number that is the base of a number system or of a system of logarithms10 is the radix of the decimal system
  2. biology the root or point of origin of a part or organ
  3. linguistics a less common word for root 1 (def. 9)

n. pl. ra•dix•es

  1. The primary or beginning portion of a part or organ, as of a nerve at its origin from the brainstem or spinal cord.

Plural radices (rădĭ-sēz′, rādĭ-) radixes

  1. Biology The primary or beginning portion of a part or organ, as of a nerve at its origin from the brainstem or spinal cord.
  2. Mathematics The base of a system of numbers, such as 2 in the binary system and 10 in the decimal system.
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