

noun, plural dis·cov·er·ies.

  1. the act or an instance of discovering.
  2. something discovered.
  3. Law. compulsory disclosure, as of facts or documents.
  4. (initial capital letter, italics) U.S. Aerospace. the third space shuttle to orbit and return to earth.

noun plural -ies

  1. the act, process, or an instance of discovering (something) again

noun plural -eries

  1. the act, process, or an instance of discovering
  2. a person, place, or thing that has been discovered
  3. law the compulsory disclosure by a party to an action of relevant documents in his possession

1747, from re- + discovery.


1550s, “fact of discovering;” see discover + -y (1). Earlier in this sense was discovering (mid-14c.). Meaning “that which is discovered” is from 1630s.

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