


  1. the act or fact of intervening.
  2. interposition or interference of one state in the affairs of another.


  1. the act of intervening
  2. any interference in the affairs of others, esp by one state in the affairs of another
  3. economics the action of a central bank in supporting the international value of a currency by buying large quantities of the currency to keep the price up
  4. commerce the action of the EU in buying up surplus produce when the market price drops to a certain value

early 15c., “intercession, intercessory prayer,” from Middle French intervention or directly from Late Latin interventionem (nominative interventio) “an interposing,” noun of action from past participle stem of Latin intervenire “to come between, interrupt,” from inter- “between” (see inter-) + venire “come” (see venue).


  1. Interference so as to modify a process or situation.
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