

verb (used with or without object)

  1. to mount again; reascend.


  1. a fresh horse or supply of fresh horses.

verb (riːˈmaʊnt)

  1. to get on (a horse, bicycle, etc) again
  2. (tr) to mount (a picture, jewel, exhibit, etc) again

noun (ˈriːˌmaʊnt)

  1. a fresh horse, esp (formerly) to replace one killed or injured in battle

also re-mount, late 14c., “put on horseback again,” also “return to a former state,” from Old French remonter “to climb up, ascend again,” from re- (see re-) + monter (see mount (v.)). From late 15c. as “to go up again,” 1620s as “to raise (something) up again.” Related: Remounted; remounting.

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