


  1. a descendant.
  2. Also cion. a shoot or twig, especially one cut for grafting or planting; a cutting.


  1. a descendant, heir, or young member of a family
  2. a shoot or twig of a plant used to form a graft

n.c.1300, “a shoot or twig,” especially one for grafting, from Old French sion, cion “descendant; shoot, twig; offspring” (12c., Modern French scion, Picard chion), of uncertain origin. OED rejects derivation from Old French scier “to saw.” Perhaps a diminutive from Frankish *kid-, from Proto-Germanic *kidon-, from PIE *geie- “to sprout, split, open” (see chink (n.1)). Figurative use is attested from 1580s in English; meaning “an heir, a descendant” is from 1814, from the “family tree” image.

  1. A detached shoot or twig containing buds from a woody plant, used in grafting.
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