


  1. a person who scrubs.
  2. a device or process for removing pollutants from smoke or gas produced by burning high-sulfur fuels.
  3. a machine or appliance used in scrubbing: an automatic floor scrubber.


  1. a mongrel, especially a mongrel steer.
  2. a thin or stunted steer.
  3. Australian.
    1. an inhabitant of the bush.
    2. any domestic animal that has run off into the bush and become wild, especially a steer.

noun British Slang.

  1. a prostitute or promiscuous woman.


  1. a person or thing that scrubs
  2. an apparatus for purifying a gas
  3. British and Australian derogatory, slang a promiscuous woman


  1. Australian a domestic animal, esp a bullock, that has run wild in the bush
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