

noun, plural se·cre·cies for 5.

  1. the state or condition of being secret, hidden, or concealed: a meeting held in secrecy.
  2. the state of being apart from other people; privacy; seclusion.
  3. ability to keep a secret.
  4. the habit or characteristic of being secretive; reticence.
  5. Archaic. something that is secret or mysterious: the secrecies of nature.

noun plural -cies

  1. the state or quality of being secret
  2. the state of keeping something secret
  3. the ability or tendency to keep things secret

n.1570s, from secretee, “quality of being secret” (early 15c.), from Old French secré, variant of secret (see secret (n.)) + -ty (2). Form altered on model of primacy, etc.

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