


  1. the act of producing or causing to exist; the act of creating; engendering.
  2. the fact of being created.
  3. something that is or has been created.
  4. the Creation, the original bringing into existence of the universe by God.
  5. the world; universe.
  6. creatures collectively.
  7. an original product of the mind, especially an imaginative artistic work: the creations of a poetic genius.
  8. a specially designed dress, hat, or other article of women’s clothing, usually distinguished by imaginative or unique styling: the newest Paris creations.


  1. the act or process of creating
  2. the fact of being created or produced
  3. something that has been brought into existence or created, esp a product of human intelligence or imagination
  4. the whole universe, including the world and all the things in it
  5. an unusual or striking garment or hat

noun theol

  1. the Creation God’s act of bringing the universe into being
  2. the universe as thus brought into being by God

n.late 14c., “action of creating, a created thing,” from Old French creacion (14c., Modern French création) “creation, coming into being,” from Latin creationem (nominative creatio) “a creating, a producing,” in classical use “an electing, appointment, choice,” noun of action from past participle stem of creare (see create). Meaning “that which God has created, the world and all in it” is from 1610s. The native word in the Biblical sense was Old English frum-sceaft. Of fashion costumes, desserts, etc., from 1870s, from French. Creation science is attested by 1970. God’s creation of the world as described in the Book of Genesis, commencing in this way: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth. And the Earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, ‘Let there be light’: and there was light.” According to this account, the Creation took six days, with God creating Adam and Eve on the sixth day and resting on the seventh day. Genesis also gives another account of the Creation, in which God makes Adam out of clay, prepares the Garden of Eden for him, and then fashions Eve out of Adam’s rib.

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