


  1. abounding in pithy aphorisms or maxims: a sententious book.
  2. given to excessive moralizing; self-righteous.
  3. given to or using pithy sayings or maxims: a sententious poet.
  4. of the nature of a maxim; pithy.


  1. characterized by or full of aphorisms, terse pithy sayings, or axioms
  2. constantly using aphorisms, etc
  3. tending to indulge in pompous moralizing

adj.mid-15c., “full of meaning,” from Middle French sententieux, from Latin sententiosus “full of meaning, pithy,” from sententia “thought; expression of a thought” (see sentence (n.)). Meaning “addicted to pompous moralizing” first recorded 1590s. Related: Sententiously; sententiousness.

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