


  1. a person or thing that shines.
  2. Slang. black eye(def 1).
  3. any of various small American freshwater fishes having glistening scales, especially a minnow.
  4. any of various silvery, marine fishes, as the menhaden or butterfish.
  5. a defect in silk or synthetic filament or fabric, produced either in the process of winding or as a result of shuttle friction and appearing on fabric as a shiny streak.


  1. something that shines, such as a polishing device
  2. any of numerous small North American freshwater cyprinid fishes of the genus Notropis and related genera, such as N. cornutus (common shiner) and Notemigonus crysoleucas (golden shiner)
  3. a popular name for the mackerel
  4. informal a black eye
  5. NZ old-fashioned, informal a vagrant or tramp
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